Tuesday, May 25, 2010

066 - Dragon Fruit

066 - Phan Thiet Dragon Fruit 火龍果 火 龍 果

The following is a translation of the plastic packaging of the Dragon Fruit.

巴斯德 生化 研究所 | 巴 斯 德 生 化 研 究 所 Pasteur (Louis) Biochemistry Research Institute
成功分折 報告: | 成 功 分 折 報 告: succeed breakdown listing:
含 豐富 維他命 B1, B2, B12, C 天然 粁維素, | 含 豐 富 維 他 命 B1, B2, B12, C 天 然 粁 維 素,

contains rich plentiful vitamin B1, B2, B12, C natural fibre

葡萄糖 及人體所需礦物質,鐵,錳,鎂,鈷,鈣,磷,鉀 | 葡 萄 糖 及 人 體 所 需 礦 物 質,鐵,錳,鎂,鈷,鈣,磷,鉀

glucose and human body required (dietary) minerals iron, manganese, magnesium,
cobalt, calcium, phosphorous, potassium

065 - CamerayShy test

065 - - steganography series: simple apps to encrypt things from your little brother or sister. CamerayShy test


CameraShy0.2.23.1.exe is a Windows based internet browser which encrypts and decrypts hidden text in .gif files.

camerashy-window.jpg (tinypic.com coverts gifs into jpgs), http://i45.tinypic.com/2wrdx8n.jpg
camerashy-window.gif mediafire.com, http://www.mediafire.com/file/xzzyatyjnyz/camerashy-window.gif
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

How to decrypt the two gif files:
three-marked-tabs.gif 6 Kb, md5-hash:d5977bbc65737bc74cf965b80de9aea4
Wikipedia-tab.gif 2 Kb, md5-hash:f552a6c0b9e56f17ccc377f7f29611d1

Step1. open the app, and type "password" into the password field and "[Hacktivismo]" into the signature field.
Step2. If online, select the gif on the webpage on the programs's bottom field.; If offline, select the gif using the upper clockwise direction blue arrow button.
Step3. when successfully decrypted, you can view the text in the upper small window, or by pressing the checkmark button, view the same text in the upper big window.

image links:
three-marked-tabs.gif, Photobucket, http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss4/jcpma/20100521stegano/?action=view&current=three-marked-tabs.gif
three-marked-tabs.gif, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358266

Wikipedia-tab.gif, Photobucket, http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss4/jcpma/20100521stegano/?action=view&current=Wikipedia-tab.gif
Wikipedia-tab.gif, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358232

App. Package:
camerashy.zip, Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/mm3yizqqd32/camerashy.zip
camerashy.zip, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358894

064 - EyeMage test

064 - - steganography series: simple apps to encrypt things from your little brother or sister. EyeMage test

EyeMage IIE version 0901 by Proporta Ltd

Eyemage can encrypt a file or some typed text into a bitmap.
The bitmap can be self-generated noise, or a pre-existing one.

Decrypting an pre-existing illustration bmp with a file hidden in it:
Step1. open EyeMage IIE.exe. click on the (right) `decrypt' button.
Step2. click the "Image" button & load/open the bitmap "eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp (49 Kb, md5-hash:2c51515ae01e2fb1cfb930b361645563). This is a picture of a yellow taxi cab.
Step3. click the lower right corner `decrypt' button. Enter "password" as the password.
Step4. A save window should appear, with the name of the hidden file, "eyemage-contents.zip" (2 Kb, md5-hash:ab7d998966de28465dc9331f01071b36). click "save" to complete the process.

Decrypting a self-generated "noisy" bitmap with a file hidden in it:
Step1. open EyeMage IIE.exe. click on the (right) `decrypt' button.
Step2. click the "Image" button & load/open the bitmap "eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp (24 Kb, md5-hash:8d51baae375cf68bb91d49146e752786).This is a picture of a rectangle of static.
Step3. click the lower right corner `decrypt' button. Enter "password" as the password.
Step4. A save window should appear, but without any name or extension of the hidden file. also, the location of the save folder may be different. The actual name of the hidden file is: "eyemage-content.zip" (9 Kb, md5-hash:13303674805d3e4a3a0e7d4e1ca1db3e).

* One advantage of the noisy bitmap encoding method is that it saves space. i.e., the resultant bitmap is 24 Kb holding 9 Kb of content. Compare this with using a pre-existing bitmap: ie 49 Kb containing 2 Kb of content.
* A disadvantage of the noisy bitmap encoding method is that it may work inconsistently. (ie Failure).
* Another disadvantage, as stated above, of the noisy bitmap method is that the hidden file name is not remembered.
* The minimum length of a password is 4 characters.

Decrypting a hidden text message within a bitmap:
Use the same process of decrypting as above, with these files:
"eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp" 24 Kb, md5-hash:6de2af2abe79309da789130a4d4ac6a9. An icon sized picture of a portrait.
"eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp 15 Kb, md5-hash:16d8cf4b6bc65566cf4e57b4753822f3. A picture of a smaller block of static.
Both these files contain identical hidden text. On the Eyemage program, it should reveal a few lines of the alphabet & other text from the qwerty keyboard.

eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/2mzdyrynzig/eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359038

eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/dnglinz3mjj/eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359048

eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/udyijukgtmz/eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359090

eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/nyehdzhmetj/eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359064

eyemage.zip, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359016
eyemage.zip, Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/mjqmdujdmgi/eyemage.zip

Friday, May 21, 2010

063 - jphs, jpeg hide & seek, test

063 - - steganography series: simple apps to encrypt things from your little brother or sister. "jphs"(jpeg hide and seek) test

jphs for windows version 0.5 by Allan Latham

Jphswin.exe = the program

This program encrypts a file into an existing jpg file. The hidden file size limitation should be about
1/10th the size of the jpg!

To "decrypt" the test file "jphs-test1.jpg" (approx 21 Kb, md5-hash:d894f502137973ae0a2182e32fb054d4. This is a picture of a happy face on a blue background):

Step1. Click on "Open jpeg" button & then choose jphs-test1.jpg
Step2. Click "Seek" button. A pass phrase window appears. The pass phrase is "password".
Step3. Next, a save file dialog window appears. Save the file with an arbitrary name like jphs-content.gif. (You have to enter the extension.)

If the process is successful, you will have a resultant .gif file approximately 2 Kb in size, md5-hash:21b5afd61cdebbaf4491ee748e0c6762.

box.net "jphs-test1.jpg" http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359102

mediafire "jphs-test1.jpg" http://www.mediafire.com/file/yzbuwmmdoyg/jphs-test1.jpg :
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

photobucket "jphs-test1.jpg": http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss4/jcpma/20100521stegano/th_jphs-test1.jpg

tinypic "jphs-test1.jpg": http://i50.tinypic.com/1zvsikp.jpg
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

mediafire: App.Pkg: jphswin.zip archive http://www.mediafire.com/file/mvmqwjn32dg/jphswin.zip
box.net: App.Pkg: jphswin.zip archive http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359180

Thursday, May 6, 2010

062 - bmpPacker test

062 - - steganography series: simple apps to encrypt things from your little brother or sister. "bmpPacker" test

bmpPacker version 1.2a

This app. encodes a file into a self-generated "noisy" bitmap (.bmp) file.
When you view the resultant .bmp image, it looks like "noise" or "video snow".
The program is bmpPacker.exe. There is an accompanying file called bmpPacker.cfg.

The test-file to decrypt is "bmpPacker-test.bmp" 4 Kb, md5-hash:722479e25226ec9fe5315957e3263d2f.

Step1. Open bmpPacker.exe; use these "options": "blowfish", and "ascii" mode.
Step2. Click the "Encode/Decode" button and open the file "bmpPacker-test.bmp". This is a picture of a narrow strip of static.
Step3. Type into the window the passphrase "password" into both fields. Press "OK".

If successful, you will find a resultant "rich text file" (bmpPacker-content.rtf 2 Kb, md5-hash:3b81b00cb2766ee69918437a2146b6fe).

* The information for the name and extension of the hidden file is contained in the bitmap.
* The program provides a self-generated CRC32 checksum; This is somewhat considerate and reassuring.
* The password has to be at least 8 characters long.

The bitmap generated from this test, in this instance, looks like a dark horizontal line.

This originally was the bmp uploaded image to blogger.com ; [Don't use this one as Blogger automatically converts bmp files to jpg (bmpPacker-test.jpg) ! --similarly, Tinypic.com and Photobucket.com also converts .bmp files to .jpg files] ; Use the links below.

image link at mediafire.com (bmpPacker-test.bmp); this black line below is the bitmap:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

image link at box.net (bmpPacker-test.bmp):


link to bmpPacker app package at mediafire (bmpPacker.zip):

link to bmpPacker app package at box.net (bmpPacker.zip):


mediafire= jcpmamediafire~~A~~m

Monday, May 3, 2010

061 - Equivalent

061 - Equivalent

QAWBECRDTEY h!r19aNA equivalent

| L A < H
n h * @ -
*re-jcpmaone-blogger* *re-jcpma-lv-cm-histats*