EyeMage IIE version 0901 by Proporta Ltd
Eyemage can encrypt a file or some typed text into a bitmap.
The bitmap can be self-generated noise, or a pre-existing one.
Decrypting an pre-existing illustration bmp with a file hidden in it:
Step1. open EyeMage IIE.exe. click on the (right) `decrypt' button.
Step2. click the "Image" button & load/open the bitmap "eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp (49 Kb, md5-hash:2c51515ae01e2fb1cfb930b361645563). This is a picture of a yellow taxi cab.
Step3. click the lower right corner `decrypt' button. Enter "password" as the password.
Step4. A save window should appear, with the name of the hidden file, "eyemage-contents.zip" (2 Kb, md5-hash:ab7d998966de28465dc9331f01071b36). click "save" to complete the process.
Decrypting a self-generated "noisy" bitmap with a file hidden in it:
Step1. open EyeMage IIE.exe. click on the (right) `decrypt' button.
Step2. click the "Image" button & load/open the bitmap "eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp (24 Kb, md5-hash:8d51baae375cf68bb91d49146e752786).This is a picture of a rectangle of static.
Step3. click the lower right corner `decrypt' button. Enter "password" as the password.
Step4. A save window should appear, but without any name or extension of the hidden file. also, the location of the save folder may be different. The actual name of the hidden file is: "eyemage-content.zip" (9 Kb, md5-hash:13303674805d3e4a3a0e7d4e1ca1db3e).
* One advantage of the noisy bitmap encoding method is that it saves space. i.e., the resultant bitmap is 24 Kb holding 9 Kb of content. Compare this with using a pre-existing bitmap: ie 49 Kb containing 2 Kb of content.
* A disadvantage of the noisy bitmap encoding method is that it may work inconsistently. (ie Failure).
* Another disadvantage, as stated above, of the noisy bitmap method is that the hidden file name is not remembered.
* The minimum length of a password is 4 characters.
Decrypting a hidden text message within a bitmap:
Use the same process of decrypting as above, with these files:
"eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp" 24 Kb, md5-hash:6de2af2abe79309da789130a4d4ac6a9. An icon sized picture of a portrait.
"eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp 15 Kb, md5-hash:16d8cf4b6bc65566cf4e57b4753822f3. A picture of a smaller block of static.
Both these files contain identical hidden text. On the Eyemage program, it should reveal a few lines of the alphabet & other text from the qwerty keyboard.
eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/2mzdyrynzig/eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp
eyemage-file-test-2k-content.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359038
eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/dnglinz3mjj/eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp
eyemage-file-test-noise-9k-content.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359048
eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/udyijukgtmz/eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp
eyemage-text-test-portrait.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359090
eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/nyehdzhmetj/eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp
eyemage-text-test-noise.bmp Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359064
eyemage.zip, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440359016
eyemage.zip, Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/mjqmdujdmgi/eyemage.zip
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