Thursday, December 23, 2010

088 - disappears disappears

as you know, Facebook purchased and thus its service ceased on Dec15,2010.
I was not a heavy user of but I found it a very user-friendly service.
Various sites have suggested alternatives but really there aren't any (i'm aware of at this moment).
It had a very unique ease and freedom of interface; There was the options of implementing more restrictions if the user wanted.

John Dvorak writes about its demise: The Cloud Fiasco of 2010:
Article URL,2817,2372243,00.asp

If we are fortunate, some intelligent company will put out a similar service to Perhaps in the future Google will, they are a smart operation.

Again, this is an example of the impermanence of the internet. Once a site ceases, the (digital) information/content is loss. I wonder if a (paper)book, wouldn't outlast digital information as a storage medium?
Backup your content from the cloud, should another rainy day occur.

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