Tuesday, April 9, 2013

156 - rant default harddrive encryption

156 - rant: default hard-drive encryption

on a similar flavor as post 155 (rant on hacked webmail,) This post, post 156 is a rant. The topic is about any company's hard-drives.

We occasionally read about a corporation or a public/government desktop computer or laptop computer hard-drive having been lost or stolen or the data on it is compromised somehow.  These hardDrives hard drives can contain much privacy info about the customers or individual public persons on them, that if fallen into the "wrong hands" could be used for criminal events.

My2cents on what should be used as a safeguard:
Use current technology, to have all computers encrypted by default.  When the user powers them up or logs on then they can be decrypted for the duration of the session.
This will slow down crime and identity theft, by my gut feeling, a significant amount.  When will this policy be implemented by Governments or corporations? Unfortunately, probably not for a very long time.

[April 15.2013 blurb]:
 Plugging these words into Google search engine should be a good place to begin:
 "default hard drive encryption"
Other potential keywords:
 "Full Disk Encryption"
 "System Encryption"
 "Pre-boot authentication"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

within the last few days, we learned that an ahs (Alberta Health Services) laptop with citizens' private health information was stolen back in 2013. The health minister just found out about it. i heard this on the radio. Jan.23rd.2014
Yours Truly, an Albertan

*re-jcpmaone-blogger* *re-jcpma-lv-cm-histats*