Tuesday, December 21, 2010

085 - optimal Nokia 2760 phone settings

these are the optimal Nokia 2760 phone settings for
a compromise between user-friendliness & power efficiency.[5]
==================== written by JCPMA===== Nov.06.2010:

[item] [explanation/reason]

Settings-->Main Display
Notification Details -SHOW get more info on incoming messages or missed calls
Fold animation - OFF saves time & power
Screen saver - OFF A screen-saver is redundant, as the 2760 standby screen fades to dark grey after about 15 seconds. But it still retains the current screens image and info without the color; It is visible with adequate overhead lighting. The screen saver disrupts use, and interupts showing of info. The LCD is re-lit momentarily (thus wasting power) on each occasion. This can be distracting, especially if you are in the middle of a call.
Power saver - OFF according to the user-manual[10], this feature displays a clock when your phone is inactive; This feature is redundant, as the 2760 standby screen fades to a dark greyscale after about 15 seconds. I like to leave it OFF, otherwise the standby screen is interupted. Also, this can be distracting, especially if you are in the middle of a call.
Sleep mode - OFF according to the user-manual[10], this feature turns off the standby screen after a period of inactivity. I don't use this feature as when I am finished with a call/task I immediately close the flipPhone/clamShell!
Cell info display - ON caller id info on incoming calls is shown if available.

Settings-->Mini Display
Screen saver - OFF There are 4 choices here: AnalogClock; DigitalClock; TimeOut; On.
The analog clock is round but can be confusing as there is no obvious top or bottom to the clock. ie, Which direction is 12'o'clock?
The DigitalClock is a nice large size. Similar to the analog clock, there is no "seconds" indicator.
TimeOut lets you choose the duration of elapsed time before the screen saver activates.
ON, turns on the screensaver feature.
Don't use any of these settings! The mini-display LEDs use up a lot of power! Whenever you close your flip phone, the LEDs light up once. After the preset screensaver time elapses, the screensaver activates and your LEDs light up a second time! Also, the screen saver re-activates each time you drive through a tunnel, (lose and then regain telephone signal strength), thus lighting up your LEDs a third time! **My educated guess says you can probably DOUBLE your standby battery time just by disabling this one feature of the phone!** The other important reason to disable the mini-screen screen-saver is information display; You get a constant display of Date, Time, BatteryCharge, SignalStrength. And, you don't have to worry about the LEDs flickering on and off all the time. (What I would change if I could: - a slightly bigger screen, or - a bigger font; -perhaps have an option to have 1 or 2 LEDs light up.)
Sleep mode - OFF The User-Manual doesn't say anything about this setting. On the phone's "HelpTipActivation (tooltip)" display, it says SleepMode saves batteryPower. I don't enable it because I want the mini screen to be on/visible during standby so that I know the phone is on and that it works and that there is adequate signal and batteryCharge. If the screen is asleep, I will think the phone is off. This screen of course is a battery drain, but when there is no LED involvement, it is a relatively low consumer of battery power (like a digital wristwatch).

Settings-->Date and time
Date and time format settings-->
Date-->Date on standby screen - SHOWN when you look at the standby screen don't you want to know the date?
Time-->Main display clock - SHOWN shows you the time.
Time-->Mini display clock - SHOWN shows you the time.
Time-->Time format - 12-HOUR there's a bug in the software, where if the format is set as 24-HOUR(ie military time), the time on the mini-display loses some numbers after several hours have elapsed!!
Auto-update of date & time - OFF saves battery power if it is off; you can overide this and do a 1 time update, whenever you want.

Welcome note - OFF wastes time & power; this feature shows you a note when you turn the phone on.
Start-up tone - OFF when you power up the phone, a tone associated with the start-up animation is played.; This one is not a big issue.

Charger-->Lights - AUTOMATIC otherwise, if this is set to ON, charging the phone takes longer.

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[ ] footnotes: see the bottom of document
2760general-notes.txt or

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