Thursday, July 9, 2015

159 - Boxcryptor Classic or Cryptonite for Android phone

initial tests of Boxcryptor Classic 1.5.4 for Android (phone); and Cryptonite for Android (phone).

July 9th,2015  (Updated August 20th,2015)

Earlier this month, I tried Boxcryptor Classic for Android phone (4.2 Jellybean) and Cryptonite 0.7.17 for Android phone.

Boxcryptor Classic:
- creates a local folder for you to store files for encryption
- able to create folder on site.
  -- Unable to upload file(s) to Dropbox, as there is no "upload-button"
UNTRIED: (so, far did not try to use another app to send a file to BoxcryptorClassic app yet.)
 -- tried to use another Android app to upload a file to BoxcryptorClassic app's Dropbox.  This was unsuccessful. Could not find a way to upload a file or workable folder to
 -- Boxycryptor Classic has interfaces for other cloud-services besides Dropbox.  (But I did not try them.)

- able to encrypt local files (even though my phone is not rooted).
- able to access the local folder/files created by BoxcryptorClassic app.(see above)
- this app feels user-friendly with intuitive interface.
UNTRIED: ( I have not yet tried to interface with

 -- Cryptonite 0.7.17 does interact with OK. However, you can only send 1 file at a time.

 Cryptonite is ok for Dropbox for 1 file at a time usage.  For multi-file use for Dropbox, please use another service.  Boxcryptor regular app (not the Classic app), may work for this (I haven't tried it).  There should be other ENCFS apps available, perhaps even cross platform.

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