Tuesday, May 25, 2010

065 - CamerayShy test

065 - - steganography series: simple apps to encrypt things from your little brother or sister. CamerayShy test


CameraShy0.2.23.1.exe is a Windows based internet browser which encrypts and decrypts hidden text in .gif files.

camerashy-window.jpg (tinypic.com coverts gifs into jpgs), http://i45.tinypic.com/2wrdx8n.jpg
camerashy-window.gif mediafire.com, http://www.mediafire.com/file/xzzyatyjnyz/camerashy-window.gif
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

How to decrypt the two gif files:
three-marked-tabs.gif 6 Kb, md5-hash:d5977bbc65737bc74cf965b80de9aea4
Wikipedia-tab.gif 2 Kb, md5-hash:f552a6c0b9e56f17ccc377f7f29611d1

Step1. open the app, and type "password" into the password field and "[Hacktivismo]" into the signature field.
Step2. If online, select the gif on the webpage on the programs's bottom field.; If offline, select the gif using the upper clockwise direction blue arrow button.
Step3. when successfully decrypted, you can view the text in the upper small window, or by pressing the checkmark button, view the same text in the upper big window.

image links:
three-marked-tabs.gif, Photobucket, http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss4/jcpma/20100521stegano/?action=view&current=three-marked-tabs.gif
three-marked-tabs.gif, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358266

Wikipedia-tab.gif, Photobucket, http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss4/jcpma/20100521stegano/?action=view&current=Wikipedia-tab.gif
Wikipedia-tab.gif, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358232

App. Package:
camerashy.zip, Mediafire, http://www.mediafire.com/file/mm3yizqqd32/camerashy.zip
camerashy.zip, Box.net, http://www.box.net/steganography/1/43429648/440358894

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